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Information Literacy Modules: Library 201

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Information Literacy Modules: Library 201

University of Akron librarians created a menu of online information literacy modules that highlight the research skills needed to be successful as students start college.  These online lessons may be required by individual course instructors.   Students should check their syllabi at the start of the semester to determine which lessons are required in each course.

See the lesson descriptions, estimated times for completion, and student learning outcomes below the instructions.

Library 201 Help:

If you have any questions regarding this course contact (Please put Library 201: Lesson X in the subject line.)

Chat and text us during normal Library hours of operation.

Library 201 Enroll in the Course

You will need to enroll in the Library 201 course in Brightspace to get started.

  • Go into Library 201 course in Brightspace and log in with your UAnet ID and password.
  • Click on "Enroll in Course"
  • After you receive the "Successfully Enrolled" confirmation message, click on "OK"
  • Select "Open Course" to begin.

Already enrolled? 

Library 201 Quizzes

You will be required to attain a 70% in order to get credit for each lesson. It is open "book," open notes, so to speak. You can have the lesson open in another window while you take it if you like. However, it isn't "open friend." You are expected to do your own work and can't get the answers from other people.

You can take each lesson's quiz multiple times and the quizzes are not timed. If you take the quiz twice and don't get a 70% or higher, please email us at Please put "Library 201: Lesson X" in the subject line, indicating the lesson you're working on.

Library 201 Survey

We are requiring students to complete a one-time demographic survey in order to qualify for lesson certificates.  Your answers to the survey will aid us in statistical data collection. We report the answers to the questions only: we won't report names with this information. You must complete this survey to get a certificate of completion.  Please only complete the survey once.

Library 201 Certificates

To receive a certificate for the lessons:

  • Complete all segments in the lesson by reading the content and viewing the videos
  • Complete all embedded self-check exercises
  • Complete the lesson's quiz, achieving at least a 70%
  • Complete the Library 201 survey (only complete the survey once)

When you receive a certificate, open up the link, and select "Generate Certificate."  

Open with: Adobe Acrobat DC

Save to your computer and submit to any instructors who required the Library 201 modules.

At any time you can view your available certificates by selecting the "Awards" link from the navigation bar.

Lesson 1

Lesson 1: The Nature of Information (Information Process)

Approximate Time Commitment: 70 minutes

One of the foundations of information literacy is the understanding of how information is created and processed. Distinguishing between the varieties of information is crucial to understanding how to locate and evaluate the information you need. This lesson is essential for knowing why your instructors require different types of information as part of your assignments and being able to quickly determine if the information you're considering will meet the assignment's requirements.

Student Learning Outcomes

After successfully completing this module, you will be able to:

  1. Distinguish between primary and secondary sources in order to select appropriate sources for your research.
  2. Identify the common characteristics of a variety of information source types in order to differentiate scholarly, trade, and popular publications.
  3. Recognize that scholarly research materials exist in a variety of formats in order to select resources that meet your needs regardless of medium.
  4. Define peer review and demonstrate an understanding of the importance of peer review in order to obtain the ability to identify academic articles of high quality.

Lesson Segments

  • Information Defined
  • Information Delivery
  • Information Categories and Packaging
  • Quantitative or Qualitative
  • Fact or Opinion
  • Fact vs. Opinion & Objective vs. Subjective
  • Popular, Professional (Trade), and Scholarly Information
  • Range or Degree of Scholarship
  • The Scholarly Periodical Continuum
  • Peer Review
  • Peer Review Video
  • Scholarly Checklist
  • Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sources
  • Primary Sources
  • Secondary and Tertiary Sources
  • The Information Cycle & Formats
  • Format Focus: Books
  • Format Focus: Periodicals
  • Format Focus: Media
  • Format Focus: Websites
  • Information Creation as a Process

Lesson 2

Lesson 2: Looking Critically at Information (Information Evaluation)

Approximate Time Commitment: 70 minutes

Many courses on information literacy wait to cover evaluating information until the end, after you have completed searches, compiled a number of resources, and want to evaluate the information for your individual information needs. Even though you will need to evaluate your research once you begin the work of preparing your end product, whether it's a speech, presentation, annotated bibliography, research paper, etc., it's important to evaluate throughout the research process, especially at the beginning.

Keeping the key evaluation criteria at the forefront of your thoughts will help you select appropriate resources to begin with. Knowing the factors to look for when critically looking at your search results will help you save time in the long run. These segments will outline the evaluation criteria to consider from the start of your investigations.

Student Learning Outcomes

After successfully completing this module, you will be able to:

  1. Evaluate resources using a variety of criteria in order to determine whether it meets your information need.
  2. Identify possible audiences, purposes, viewpoints and expertise of authors of information resources.

Lesson Segments

  • Evaluation Frameworks: The CRAAP Test and Information Interrogation
  • Information Interrogation Basics
  • Fact-Checking
  • Who? (Authority)
  • Demonstration: Who? (Authority)
  • What? (Coverage)
  • Demonstration: What? (Coverage)
  • Where? (Source and Format)
  • Demonstration: Where? (Source and Format)
  • When? (Currency and Timelines)
  • Demonstration: When? (Currency and Timelines)
  • Why? (Purpose)
  • Demonstration: Why? (Purpose)
  • Bias
  • How? (Discovery or Access)
  • Demonstration: How? (Discovery or Access)

Lesson 3

Lesson 3: Planning Your Research (Information Strategy)

Approximate Time Commitment: 65 minutes

The purpose of this module is to help the student identify the steps involved in creating a research plan, create well-formed questions from their own brainstormed topics that have to do with your research, understand how to choose their keywords from their research questions (while accounting for the variations that will be found), and help to choose an appropriate database for their topic so that they achieve accurate and helpful results.

Student Learning Outcomes

After successfully completing this module, you will be able to:

  1. Identify the steps in constructing a research plan in order to begin your research.
  2. Identify well-formed research questions from brainstormed topic ideas in order to identify the topics that pertain to your research.
  3. Choose keywords including their various forms from developed research questions in order to account for the variation in keywords that exist in literature.
  4. Choose an appropriate database for a topic and type of material in order to obtain relevant results.

Lesson Segments

  • The Nature of Research
  • Step 1: Choosing a Topic
  • Step 2: Brainstorming
  • Step 3: Creating a Mind Map or Concept Map
  • Step 4: Developing Research Questions
  • What is a Database and Why Would I Use It?
  • Databases in Everyday Life
  • Varieties of Databases
  • Databases Can Be Library Catalogs
  • Research Databases Can Contain Many Types of Documents and Cover Many Topics
  • Research Databases Can Be Specific
  • Is the Internet a Database?
  • How Do I Choose What Research Database to Use?
  • Evaluating the Description of a Database
  • What Database Would You Choose?
  • Boolean Operators vs. Natural Language Searching
  • Step 5: Creating Your Online Research Strategy

Lesson 4

Lesson 4: Searching Basics and Library Catalogs (Information Seeking)

Approximate Time Commitment: 70 minutes

This module teaches the student different types of search strategies involving phrases, truncation, and boolean operators as well as how to construct them. It also helps the student understand how to tell which items are indexed where and what field they are in within the UA Library Catalog so that they can use it appropriately. Also, the student is taught how to use those search strategies to find relevant information to their topic, how to get different materials from the UA Library, and how to identify different catalog searches while knowing when to use each type.

Student Learning Outcomes

After successfully completing this module, you will be able to:

  1. Construct a search strategy using phrases, truncation, and boolean operators in order to develop a search strategy that a research database can understand.
  2. Identify what items are indexed in and fields are contained in the UA Libraries Catalog in order to use the catalog at the appropriate time.
  3. Implement a search strategy using a basic or advanced keyword search in order to find materials that are relevant to your topic.
  4. Describe how to get materials listed in the UA Libraries catalog in order to obtain the materials that are needed.
  5. Identify the different types of catalog searches and when to use them in order to use the catalog efficiently.

Lesson Segments

  • Using Phrases as Keywords
  • Using One Keyword for Multiple Words
  • How Can Keywords Be Connected?
  • Using Multiple Boolean Operators in a Single Search
  • More About Library Catalogs
  • Library Catalogs: Anatomy of a Catalog Record
  • UA Library Catalog: Title Search
  • UA Library Catalog: Author Search
  • UA Library Catalog: Subject Search
  • UA Library Catalog: Basic Keyword
  • UA Library Catalog: Advanced Keyword
  • UA Library Catalog: Requesting Materials
  • UA Library Catalog: Not Enough Results
  • OhioLINK Catalog: Requesting Materials
  • UA Library Catalog: Using Hyperlinks in a Catalog Record (Optional)

Lesson 5

Lesson 5: Databases Deep Dive (Information Seeking)

Approximate Time Commitment: 65 minutes

In this module, the student will learn how to share search results in order to easily work with others, figure out common fields within a database so that it can be looked through in an efficient manner, search using a basic or advanced search in order to find relevant information, understand how to get different materials from databases, understand how to analyze search results and determine what could cause more or fewer results, and figure out how to view the full-text of a document.

Student Learning Outcomes

After successfully completing this module, you will be able to:

  1. Describe how to share your search results in order to collaborate with your research partners.
  2. Identify common fields in a research database in order to search the database efficiently.
  3. Implement a search strategy using a basic or advanced search in order to find materials that are relevant to your topic.
  4. Describe how to get materials listed in a research database in order to obtain the materials that are needed.
  5. Analyze the search results list to determine what actions to take when there are too many or too few results in order to improve your results set.

Lesson Segments

  • Basic Keyword Searching
  • Number of Results, Setting Preferences, and Sharing Results
  • Determining Why Your Results Were Retrieved
  • Elements of a Database Record: Overview
  • Elements of a Database Record: Abstract
  • Elements of a Database Record: Subject Headings
  • Elements of a Database Record: Citation
  • Retrieving Full Text: Databases
  • Retrieving Full Text: Interlibrary Loan
  • Retrieving Full Text: From a Citation
  • Advanced Searching: Field Searching
  • Advanced Searching: Common Fields
  • Advanced Searching: Using Multiple Fields
  • Advanced Searching: Using Multiple Fields (Video)
  • Advanced Searching: Using Limiters
  • Advanced Searching: Using Limiters (Video)
  • Troubleshooting Search Results

Lesson 6

Lesson 6: Internet Searching (Information Seeking)

Approximate Time Commitment: 55 minutes

The purpose of this module is to help students to be able to define a URL as well as the internet while also being able to troubleshoot problems, to help them tell the difference between search engines and research databases based on certain criteria so that they know which to use, and how to construct a search in Google and Google Scholar using their advanced search or basic search to find relevant materials.

Student Learning Outcomes

After successfully completing this module, you will be able to:

  1. Define the Internet and a URL including their parts and levels in order to troubleshoot search problems more easily.
  2. Identify the differences between search engines and research databases on specified criteria in order to determine what to use for your search.
  3. Construct a search string and search for information using Google search for websites and Google scholar using the advanced search screen or Google search commands in order to find materials related to your topic.

Lesson Segments

  • What is the Internet?
  • What is a Uniform Resource Locator (URL)?
  • Depth or Level of a URL
  • Using Wikipedia
  • Searching Natural Language or Using Boolean Operators
  • Internet Search Engines vs. Research Databases
  • Internet Search Engines vs. Research Databases: Comparing Collecting Information
  • Internet Search Engines vs. Databases: Scope, Authority, Updates, and Cost
  • Internet Search Engines vs. Databases: Summary
  • Google Search for Websites
  • Google Search for Websites: Advanced Search
  • Google Search for Websites: Search Commands
  • Google Search for Websites: Troubleshooting
  • Google Scholar
  • Google Scholar: Setting Library Links to Get Full Text
  • Google Scholar: Pros and Cons