Global Media and Communication |
2005-present |
Health Communication |
1989 - present with one year delay |
Health, Risk, & Society |
1999 - present with one year delay |
Howard Journal of Communications |
1988 - present with one year delay |
Human Communication Research |
1996-present |
Information, Communication, & Society |
Only selected open access articles available. |
The Information Society |
1997 - present with one year delay |
International Communication Gazette |
2006-present |
International Communication Research Journal |
2019-2021 is available. |
International Journal of Communication |
2007-present |
International Journal of Listening |
1998-present |
International Journal of Media Management |
A few open access articles available. |
International Journal of Press/Politics |
2008-present |
International Journal of Strategic Communication |
2010 - present with one year delay |
Journal of Applied Communication Research |
1973 - present with one year delay |
Journal of Asian Pacific Communication |
1990-1996, 1998 |
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media |
1985-present |
Journal of Communication & Religion |
1987-present |
Journal of Communication |
1996-present |
Journal of Communication in Healthcare |
2008-present |
Journal of Communication Management |
2008 only |
Journal of Communication Pedagogy |
2018-present |
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication |
1995-2017, 2021-present |
Journal of Contemporary Rhetoric |
2011-present |
Journal of Contingencies & Crisis Management |
1993-present |
Journal of Family Communication |
2001 - present with one year delay |
Journal of Health Communication |
1996 - present with one year delay |
Journal of Healthcare Communications |
2016-present |
Journal of Intercultural Communication Research |
2002 - present with one year delay |
Journal of International & Intercultural Communication |
2008 - present with one year delay |
Journal of International Communication |
A few open access articles available |
Journal of Media and Religion |
2002 - present with one year delay |
Journal of Media Economics |
1998 - present with one year delay |
Journal of Media Ethics |
2015 - present with one year delay |
Journal of Public Relations Research |
1992 - present with one year delay |
Journal of Radio & Audio Media |
2002-present |
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships |
1984-present |
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly |
1924-present |
Journalism Practice |
2007 - present with one year delay |
Journalism Studies |
2000 - present with one year delay |