A leading data and research provider focused on audit, regulatory, and disclosure intelligence. Their data is collected , organized, and analyzed with rigor by an expert team of researchers.
To access off campus connect via VPN. Instructions for setting up the VPN. Please contact us if you experience any difficulties.
Bloomberg Law provides access to legal content integrated with proprietary company and market information as well as world-class news.
Note: The interface for all EBSCO databases will be updated in June 2025. Preview the new interface for this database. For more information about the change, visit the EBSCO new interface page.
The most comprehensive scholarly business database with a large percentage of full-text material from journals, conference proceedings, investment research, industry, market research, and country reports, SWOT analyses and more.
The Checkpoint research system offers you fast, effective ways to find answers to your tax and financial research questions.
This expanded version of the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) contains bibliographic citations from journals, books and dissertations covering economics-related literature in both economic theory and application.
Note: To access off campus connect via VPN. Instructions for setting up the VPN. Only 5 users can use this database at a time. If you receive an error message saying that the login is in use, please try accessing the database again later. Please contact us if you experience persistent difficulties.
Financial data including stock quotes, company comparisons, financial snapshots, SEC filings, interactive charting, and historical market information. Includes full-text Wall Street Journal (1979 - present), New York Times (1980 - present), Washington Post, Newsweek, Business Week, Forbes, and Fortune.
Provides access to Industry Market Research Reports, including vital information on every industry in the U.S. Economy.
Provides access to more than 180,000 corporate and industry related documents covering over 100 countries and industries. An excellent resource for historical research.
Provides enhanced access to the same information found in D&B’s Hoover’s Online and First Research, plus access to Key Business Rations and Industry Norms. Retrieve public and private U.S and international business data, industry news, facts and figures, executive contact information, and industry profiles. Intellect company profiles incorporate ALL of the data found in Hoovers Online, plus corporate tree information and the ability to download/print company profiles. Intellect’s Advanced Search contains the same search markers as HOL, plus the Geo Mapping area, ability to download up to 20,000 records (2000 is default) and “Save Search” template builder. Also provides access to contact information for over 210 million U.S. consumers using WhitePages Pro data.
Important Note: This databases is being replaced with a new interface called Mergent Market Atlas. This database will be accessible until June 2025 at which point it will be fully replaced by the new interface.
A professional-strength research tool that tracks more companies in more countries than any other database. Includes both U.S. and International Company Data and Annual Reports.
Note: The interface for all EBSCO databases will be updated in June 2025. Preview the new interface for this database. For more information about the change, visit the EBSCO new interface page.
Provides cover-to-cover full-text access to many U.S. and international newspapers.
To access resource, register for an SNL account with your University of Akron email.
Financial information including, but not limited to, newsletters, real-time news/alerts, news archive, company profiles, documents, events calendar, industry/market data, templated and as-reported sector-specific financials, transcripts, presentations, mergers & acquisitions, credit ratings, consensus analyst estimates, Excel integration tools, and mapping functionality in global industry.
An online directory resource for finding companies and products manufactured in North America. It is the most comprehensive resource for industrial information, products, services, CAD drawings, and more.
Single source for leading global and research databases in accounting, banking, economics, finance, insurance, marketing, statistics.Note: Here are Instructions for Accessing WRDS
These databases are a little different than the subject databases. Search a specific category of journals or a specific journal to retrieve a full-=text article. Try them both!
A full text searchable database of electronic journal articles from thousands of academic journals from top scholarly publishers, academic societies, and university presses. Covers a wide range of disciplines and contains scientific research as well as historical journal articles.
A digital library of academic content in many formats and disciplines. The collections include peer-reviewed scholarly journals as well as literary journals, academic monographs, and a wide variety of primary sources including Historical Collections from UA