Make sure that any information resource (books, research reports, websites, newspaper articles, etc.) you use for an assignment passes the CRAAP test:
Currency: When was this information produced?
Relevance: Is the information important to your topic?
Authority: Who is the source?
Accuracy: How reliable is the information?
Purpose: Why was the information produced?
If you are unsure, look at this expanded list of questions to determine the value of your information resource.
Various controversial issues are explored from a non-partisan perspective.
A clearinghouse of speeches on various topics by the world's most inspired thinkers.
Documentaries and other resources that explore various topics, ranging from environment and entertainment to gender and immigration.
Explores and illuminates the critical issues of our times - from business and health to social issues, politics and war.
Explores innovations and discoveries from the world of science and technology while highlighting the human side of science.