A news collection (including the Akron Beacon Journal), explore issues and events at the local, regional, national and international level. Its diverse source types include print and online-only newspapers, blogs, newswires, journals, broadcast transcripts and videos. Use it to explore a specific event or to compare a wide variety of viewpoints on topics such as politics, business, health, sports, cultural activities and people.
Note: The interface for all EBSCO databases will be updated in June 2025. Preview the new interface for this database. For more information about the change, visit the EBSCO new interface page.
Provides cover-to-cover full-text access to many U.S. and international newspapers.
Note: To access off campus connect via VPN. Instructions for setting up the VPN. Only 5 users can use this database at a time. If you receive an error message saying that the login is in use, please try accessing the database again later. Please contact us if you experience persistent difficulties.
Financial data including stock quotes, company comparisons, financial snapshots, SEC filings, interactive charting, and historical market information. Includes full-text Wall Street Journal (1979 - present), New York Times (1980 - present), Washington Post, Newsweek, Business Week, Forbes, and Fortune.
These links lead to the newsproviders' own websites where you can find current news items and some archived materials. Careful - newsprovider websites often charge for access to archived material. Instead, use the news databases to access past news coverage (e.g., 2012 presidential election, 911 coverage, etc.).