Author, Editor, Compiler?
Web Pages/Documents: If you cannot find an author, the author element is not included in the citation. For the format of a citation for a Web page or document without an author, refer to the Citing Web Pages tab of this LibGuide.
Use title case: Capitalize the first word of the title and all nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and subordinating conjunctions.
Web Pages and Sites: Not sure of the title of a Web page or document, refer to the box titled Find the Title of a Web Page/Document at the bottom of the Citing Web pages tab of this LibGuide. If a site has no title, use a generic description, e.g., "Home Page."
Web: If citing a Web page or a Web site, include both the date of publication and the date accessed. When published date is not available, use "n.d." to indicate that no date is available.
Date of access: Required only for resources accessed online (i.e., Medium of publication is "Web"); include day, month, and year, formatted as follows: 11 Aug. 2009.
No longer required by MLA. Include if you feel it would be helpful or if instructed by your professor. Place URL after date of access within angle brackets followed by a period. Refer to the Citing Web pages tab of this LibGuide to see the format of a citation for a Web page.
Breaking a URL: If you do include a URL in a citation for a Web page or document, you can break/wrap the URL onto another line after a slash.