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Research in Music / Graduate Bibliography and Research: Home

LibGuide in support of 7500:625-001 / 7500:325-001

Welcome to the LibGuide for Foundations of Music Education

Hello - My name is Lisa Lazar, and I am the librarian for the Performing Arts.  I hope you find here tools that are helpful to you in your research. 

Music Education research is often interdisciplinary, incorporating subjects including:

  • Fine and Performing Arts (visual art, architecture, design, dance, music, theatre)
  • Education
  • Sociology
  • Psychology
  • Physical Sciences

In this guide, I incorporate the basic resources for each subject.  If your research is more substantial in one area than in the others, I encourage to look at the resources and guides in that specific subject (link is to the left).

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or research needs, and I appreciate (and may incorporate!) your feedback on this LibGuide.


Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
David Procházka
Bierce Library--261C
Subjects: Music