Here you will find content from different news sources. These have been assembled as a quick guide for keeping up to date with current events, policy, trends, etc. in education. News Feed
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Katherine Franke, a law professor and vocal advocate of pro-Palestinian students, had been under investigation over remarks she made about Israeli students.
Across the country, educators described widespread anxiety about President-elect Donald J. Trump’s promises to deport immigrants and what it could mean for their students.
After a Supreme Court decision ended race-based admissions, some law schools saw a decline in Black and Hispanic students entering this fall. Harvard appeared to have the steepest drop.
The president and vice president of the University of Michigan’s student assembly were impeached after they demanded divestment and stopped funding campus activities.
Dialogue is an essential part of college. As anger over the war in the Middle East has brought upheaval to campuses, it has also become a key way schools try to reduce conflict.