As a University of Akron student (or faculty member) you can access the full-text of many (but not all) articles retrieved through Google Scholar searches. All it takes is a few simple steps, and you should only have to do this once!
1. Go to the upper left of the main Google Scholar screen and select the three lines:
2. On the next screen, choose Settings from the left-hand column:
3. Now choose Library Links from the left-hand column (in red font below), type in OhioLINK, and hit Enter:
4. Check the "OhioLINK--Find it with OhioLINK" box which appears:
5. Next, type Akron in the same search box, and click on "The University of Akron Libraries" link which appears:
6. Click the blue Save button at the bottom of the screen:
7. Now when you conduct a search, many articles will have a full-text access link with UAkron and/or OhioLINK options to see the full-text free of charge!