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The guide below is to help students in the Human Behavior in the Social Environment class with their Article Critique assignment.
Students are required to complete 2 article critiques. An article critique is a written summary and evaluation of a scholarly publication. Examples would include Social Work, Social Work Research, Child Development, Child Welfare, Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, etc. The articles must be from a social work journal. If you are unsure if the article is appropriate for the critique, please ask the instructor prior to completing the critique. The article must focus on a biological, psychological, or social perspective of human behavior and the social environment. The article should focus on a specific stage of development (infancy/childhood, adolescence, young/middle adulthood, or later adulthood). The focus of the assignment is to critically evaluate the contents of the article in order to better understand theories of human development and behavior.
Critique must be 3-4 pages typed, double-spaced, standard margins, and in correct APA format. Please attach the article to the critique. When completing the critique, please respond to the following questions:
Start out at the University Libraries website and select E-Journals
Enter the title of the journal you're looking for. For example, Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment.
Pay attention to the full text access listings for each entry. Some databases will include shorter or older date ranges, and some will have an "embargo" or a period of time when the full text is not available.
Select the database option that best meets your needs and follow that link to view the full text.
Use the database's browse and search interfaces to navigate the electronic journal.
A good place to start for your search is the Social Work Abstracts database. Spend some time brainstorming your search terms and develop a search strategy before starting your search:
A core resource covering all aspects of the social work field, including theory and practice, therapy, education, human services, addictions, child and family welfare, mental health, civil and legal rights, and more.
Example: Simple Search Performed in Social Work Abstracts
substance abuse AND adolescen*
When trying to determine if an article would be considered "scholarly," look at the following characteristics:
The following are available in the Wayne College Library periodical collection: