Hello and welcome! My name is Marilia Antunez and I am the librarian for the UA School of Nutrition and Dietetics. This guide provides targeted resources and support in the areas of human nutrition and food sciences. Contact me for assistance in
Regards, Marilia (mantunez@uakron.edu, 330-972-6262)
If I am not available, please call (330) 972-5355, or contact us at Contact Us
Call Us (330) 972-5355
Text Us (330) 529-5240
In-person (Check open library hours)
Email Us ask@uakron2.libanswers.com
Bierce Library
IT Service Desk
1. Copy the full URL of the library resource and paste into a browser address window (URL#1)
2. Highlight and copy the following string: https://login.ezproxy.uakron.edu:2443/login?url= (URL#2)
3. Paste URL#2 IN FRONT OF the URL#1. The resulting URL should look something like this:
4. You will be prompted to enter your UAnetID username and password.