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Technology and Human Values

Finding the Full Text of Articles

Step 1: Is the full text included in the database?

Follow the link to the full text provided:

Arrow pointing to HTML and PDF full text links in the Social Work Abstracts database.

Step 2: Is there a link to the full text in another database?  Follow the "Full Text Finder" link provided:

Step 3: Did the link not work?  Go to the Journal Finder tool and search for the title of the journal.

* It's possible that the journal you're looking for is under an electronic full text embargo. This means that there is a designated time period before the electronic full text will be released to our databases.  This can range between 6 and 18 months.  If this is the case, then we will need to request an Interlibrary Loan of your article.  Skip to that step below.

Step 4: If it's not available as full text, request and Interlibrary Loan: