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Accessibility Liaison Communication

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Testing accommodations are what faculty most often have questions about. So here’s some additional information that should help answer some of those questions.

Setting up the Accommodation

If a student has a testing accommodation that requires the use of a testing room, you will need to complete a testing agreement. The link for the testing agreement can be found in the student’s letter of accommodation inside a red box. Here instructions on completing the alternative testing agreement.

Testing Locations

Tips and Tricks

  • Make note of where your student is taking their test if you have to drop off/pick up physical tests.
  • Check the time the student is scheduled to take the test. Students are advised to take their tests at the same time as the rest of the class and if that’s not possible, on the same day. If the same day is not possible they are advised to check with their instructor about whether they should take it before or after the test date.
  • When setting up the accommodation, list everything a student might need while testing (calculator, scrap paper, formula sheet, open-book). Students will not be able to use anything that is not listed.
  • If the test is through Brightspace, here’s how to provide extra time to Brightspace quizzes and exams to meet a student’s accommodation.

If you have any questions or need more specific information, please contact the accessibility office or reach out to the student's Disability Specialist (found on their accommodation letter).

Accessibility Committee

Faculty: Click on either of the icons below to access the Office of Accessibility's Instructor Portal and user guides, your convenient hub for accommodation management!

Link to STARS Instructor portal login for accessibility accommodations.Link to How-to guides on using the STARS instructor portal.

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