Dear Accessibility Liaisons,
Hopefully your semester is off to a smooth start. The accessibility committee is working on an accessibility training course on Brightspace and we are hoping to end the training with different liaisons saying, "I'm an accessibility ally." If this is something you are interested in please complete this survey.
As a reminder, student accommodations are not considered to be active until they speak with you and express their intention to use an accommodation.
The accessibility committee would like to provide more detail on how testing accommodations work. As a reminder, if a student has testing accommodations, you will need to complete a Testing Agreement. The link for this can be found in the student’s letter of accommodation in the red box. It looks like this:
Student is eligible for Alternative Testing services. Please fill out the alternative testing agreement for the student by using the following link: Alternative Testing Agreement (or copy and paste the following link to your browser:, or by logging into the Instructor Portal. If you would like to have the agreement copied to another class, you can do so in the Instructor Portal or by emailing your request to
You can also access this link in the Instructor Portal. See how to complete the alternative testing agreement.
Students are told during their intakes that they have several options for taking tests. Below is an excerpt from the Testing Supplement that they sign explaining those options:
Each of the three campus testing locations are secure. All rooms have either a camera, which is monitored by a UA employee on a screen at the front desk, or by proctors physically present in the space. Proctors will not allow students to test with any items other than what faculty specify in the Testing Agreement (I.e., calculators, scrap paper, notes, etc.) Students who are testing are required to store their belongings in a locker by the main desk and take the key to the locker into the testing room with them.
There are two testing centers in Simmons Hall. You can tell which testing center a student is assigned to by reading the text of their letter or looking at the initials after the accommodation. CC stands for the Counseling and Testing Center, which is on the 3rd floor of Simmons Hall, room 304. OA stands for the Office of Accessibility Testing Center, which is on the first floor of Simons Hall, room 105. Students are assigned to these centers based upon their needs; for example, a student needing a screen reader would be assigned to OA because that equipment is kept there.
If your tests are assigned to take place in Computer Based Assessment and Evaluation (CBAE) in Shrank Hall North, room 152, students can access their accommodations there as well. They can use the RegisterBlast link to reserve a room, and their accommodations, which are linked with their account, will be included as options in the registration process.
If you give tests through Brightspace, you can adjust the time students have to take the test in the Classlist under Communications. Choose the drop-down arrow next to the student's name and select “Edit Accommodations.” Specific directions for editing the test time in Brightspace.
Based on past experiences, here are a few tips for making the process go smoothly:
Be aware that students are unable to request testing from until Testing Agreement is completed
Make note of where your student is taking their test (OA or CC) if you have to drop off/pick up physical tests.
Be sure to check the test time to check if it’s before or after the actual test date. Students are advised to take their tests at the same time as the class, and if that’s not possible, on the same day. If the same day is not possible, they are advised to check with you about whether they should take it before or after the test date.
Be sure to list everything a student might need while testing (calculator, scrap paper, formula sheet, open-book) to avoid frantic calls later.
If you have any questions or need more specific information, contact the accessibility office or reach out to the student's Disability Specialist (found on their accommodation letter). Please fill out this survey to let us know how helpful you find this information and what else you would want included. See other Accessibility Liaison Communication.
Thank you for working with the office of Accessibility to provide students with disabilities with equal access to a quality education.
Accessibility Committee
Faculty: Click on either of the icons below to access the Office of Accessibility's Instructor Portal and user guides, your convenient hub for accommodation management!
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