Sample References | Parenthetical In-Text Citations | Narrative In-Text Citations | |
One Author |
Ramlo, S. E. (2020). Divergent viewpoints about the statistical stage of a mixed method: Qualitative versus quantitative orientations.International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 43(1), 93-111.
(Ramlo, 2020) | Ramlo (2020) |
Two Authors |
Vale, M. T., & Bisconti, T. L. (2021). Age differences in sexual minority stress and the importance of friendship in later life. Clinical Gerontologist,43(3), 235-248. |
(Vale & Bisconti, 2021) | Vale and Bisconti, (2021) |
Three to Twenty Authors |
Stalter, A. M., Phillips, J. M., Goldschmidt, K. A., Brodhead, J., Ruggiero, J. S., Scardaville, D. L., McKay, M., Bonnett, P. L., & Merriam, D. (2020). Promoting civility in nursing practice using systems thinking: Evidence‐based teaching strategies for nurse educators. Nursing Forum,55(4), 754-762. |
(Stalter et al., 2020) | Stalter et al. (2020) |
Group Author (Identified by Abbreviation Authors) |
National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities. (1986). Learning Disability Quarterly, 49(2), 164-168. |
(National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities [NJCLD], 1986) first cite; (NJCLD, 1986) thereafter | National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities (NJCLD, 1986) first cite; NJCLD (1986) thereafter |
No Author |
Clinical Rounds. (2018). Nursing2018,48(4), 21-23. |
("Clinical Rounds," 2018) | Use parenthetical citation |
Almost every source can be a website.
Titles of webpages, books, reports, dissertations, films and other stand-alone works are italicized in the References page. For in-depth use of italics see APA tutorial.
Do not add the line breaks manually in the DOI or URLs.
Make links blue and underlined (live hyperlinks) or black font (no underline).
For online sources, ask yourself, "what type of work (e.g., book, webpage, report) is on this webpage?" and then, find a reference that is similar to the work you want to cite using the most relevant example.
Translating a Citation Retrieved from a Database:
Find and track a citation (see an example of a citation from a library database):
Identify the key elements of the citation for a journal article:
Author: Hamdani, M. R.
Publication Year: 2018
Article Title: Learning how to be a transformational leader through a skill-building, role-play exercise.
Journal Title: The International Journal of Management Education
Volume Number: 16
Issue Number (when available): 1
Pagination: 26-36
DOI hyperlink (when available): Please use the DOI Hyperlink.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijme.2017.11.003 is incorrect.
Format the citation into a reference according to the APA Style, 7th edition guidelines:
Hamdani, M. R. (2018). Learning how to be a transformational leader through a skill-building, role-play exercise. The International Journal of Management Education,16(1), 26-36.
Parenthetical citation: (Hamdani, 2018)
Narrative citation: Hamdani (2018)