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APA Style (7th ed.)

Introduction and examples of commonly cited works in APA Style, 7th edition

Citing Journal Articles by Author(s)


Sample References Parenthetical In-Text Citations Narrative In-Text Citations
One Author


Ramlo, S. E. (2020). Divergent viewpoints about the statistical stage of a mixed method: Qualitative versus quantitative orientations.International Journal of Research & Method in Education43(1), 93-111.

(Ramlo, 2020) Ramlo (2020)
Two Authors


 Vale, M. T., & Bisconti, T. L. (2021). Age differences in sexual minority stress and the importance of friendship in later life. Clinical Gerontologist,43(3), 235-248.

(Vale & Bisconti, 2021) Vale and Bisconti, (2021)
Three to Twenty Authors


 Stalter, A. M., Phillips, J. M., Goldschmidt, K. A., Brodhead, J., Ruggiero, J. S., Scardaville, D. L., McKay, M., Bonnett, P. L., & Merriam, D. (2020). Promoting civility in nursing practice using systems thinking: Evidence‐based teaching strategies for nurse educators. Nursing Forum,55(4), 754-762.

(Stalter et al., 2020) Stalter et al. (2020)
Group Author (Identified by Abbreviation Authors)

 National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities. (1986). Learning Disability Quarterly49(2), 164-168.

(National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities [NJCLD], 1986) first cite; (NJCLD, 1986) thereafter National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities (NJCLD, 1986) first cite; NJCLD (1986) thereafter
No Author

Clinical Rounds. (2018). Nursing2018,48(4), 21-23.

("Clinical Rounds," 2018) Use parenthetical citation


APA Style 7th edition Tutorial and Recommended Resources

In a Nutshell

  • Almost every source can be a website.

  • Titles of webpages, books, reports, dissertations, films and other stand-alone works are italicized in the References page. For in-depth use of italics see APA tutorial.

  • Do not add the line breaks manually in the DOI or URLs.

  • Make links blue and underlined (live hyperlinks) or black font (no underline).

  • For online sources, ask yourself, "what type of work (e.g., book, webpage, report) is on this webpage?" and then, find a reference that is similar to the work you want to cite using the most relevant example.

Deciphering Citations from a Database

Translating a Citation Retrieved from a Database:
undefined Find and track a citation (see an example of a citation from a library database):



Identify the key elements of the citation for a journal article:

      Author: Hamdani, M. R.
Publication Year: 2018
Article Title: Learning how to be a transformational leader through a skill-building, role-play exercise.
Journal Title: The International Journal of Management Education
Volume Number: 16
Issue Number (when available): 1
Pagination: 26-36
DOI hyperlink (when available): Please use the DOI Hyperlink.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijme.2017.11.003 is incorrect.

  Format the citation into a reference according to the APA Style, 7th edition guidelines:

Hamdani, M. R. (2018). Learning how to be a transformational leader through a skill-building, role-play exercise. The International Journal of Management Education,16(1), 26-36.

Parenthetical citation: (Hamdani, 2018)
Narrative citation: Hamdani (2018)