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Nutrition/Dietetics Research Guide

This guide highlights nutrition/dietetics and related resources and services for the UA community.

Finding Datasets and Statistics

Datasets vs. Statistics

  • Data (raw numbers) provides all available variables collected; it can be manipulated and aggregated as needed.
    Datasets are data collected and arranged logically according to definitive criteria. 

  • Statistics is data that has been already prepared/presented in aggregated form as in a table, chart or graph.

Citing Data: Refer to how to cite data from ICPSR, which discusses the importance and how to properly cite data.

Other Major Portals for Quantifying the Issue

Children and Families

American Indians/Native Americans

Related Statistics Databases

Comprehensive and Demographics - Starting Points


Community Assessment: County and State Level Health Statistics

Other Social Groups

Other Socioeconomic Factors and Topics

Data Repositories