If you need to find articles on a TOPIC or SUBJECT, use one of our databases. Databases collect article references from many sources so you can search broadly.
If you have a reference and you want to FIND AN EXACT ARTICLE, use the A-to-Z journal list. Search for the journal title and follow the links to the full text.
Alternately, you can use Google Scholar, which is pretty good at locating EXACT article titles.
GeoRef at University of Akron is provided by EBSCO and lacks some of the functionality other versions of GeoRef have. Most important, the search by coordinates feature does not work for defining a rectangle and searching all results within.
Index and abstracts to articles, books, maps, reports, and other literature on geology and geosciences. Includes or has links to full text.
Tip 1: Use the Thesaurus The Thesaurus contains a thorough subject list from GeoRef. This will show you what words are used to categorize subjects and give you links between subjects (like karsts, caves, and cenotes). |
Tip 2: Include GeoRef In Process GeoRef In Process will include articles GeoRef hasn't completely indexed. If you don't add this you will miss the most recently released research. First click the "Choose Databases" link (boxed in red). A window alphabetically listing available databases will pop up. Scroll down to GeoRef In Process and check it in addition to the already checked GeoRef (shown below). Then click "OK" at the top. |
Tip 3: "Linked Full Text" DOES NOT WORK Clicking the "Linked Full Text" option will only return linked full text provided by EBSCO and exclude ALL the other things we have. Leave this option off and instead look for "Full Text through LinkSource" icon. |