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Mary Biddinger

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Title - Akron Series in Poetry Editor
Rank - Professor of English
Department - UA Press


Dr. Mary Biddinger, Professor of English, is Chair of the Department of English and Director of the Northeast Ohio Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing (NEOMFA) program. Dr. Biddinger teaches a variety of creative writing and literature courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. She has been awarded the Cleveland Arts Prize, a Creative Writing Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts, and several Individual Excellence Awards in Poetry from the Ohio Arts Council. Her most recent books are A Mollusk Without a Shell: Essays on Self-Care for Writers (University of Akron Press, 2024) and Department of Elegy (Black Lawrence Press, 2022) and her novella The Girl with the Black Lipstick is forthcoming from Black Lawrence Press in 2025.

Dr. Biddinger joined the faculty of the University of Akron in 2005. She has been the recipient of the Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences Service Award (2008) and the Chairs’ Award for Outstanding Achievement in Professional and Community Service (2006). Since 2008, she has been the editor of the Akron Series in Poetry at the University of Akron Press.