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Scholarly Publishing

Tips and tools for identifying potential venues for publication, and metrics to help you demonstrate your scholarly impact.

Assessing Journal Quality - Getting Started

Review carefully the official journal website and look for the following criteria, as starting points:

  1. Determine if the journal has a peer review or referee process (e.g., double-blind review).
  2. Find the journal's acceptance rate.
  3. Find abstracting and indexing services that provide coverage for the journal (e.g., Academic Search Complete database).

No single criterion indicates whether or not a publication is reputable, but the balance of positive and negative indicators may inform the evaluation.
If further assistance is needed, please contact a librarian.

Tools to Quickly Identify Potential Journals - Getting Started

Make Your Work Open Access

Best practice: Before you submit, check that the journal supports Green OA (generally, self-archiving, where an author deposits his/her article into a research repository at no charge) or Gold OA (generally, the Open Access Publishing Model).

RED FLAGS - Where Not to Publish: Predatory (junk) Publishers

Predatory publishers aim to "trick" authors into submitting a paper to a fraudulent journal by charging fees to submit to their journals, falsely promising editorial services.

  • Prioritize self-interest at the expense of scholarship
  • A promise for an unusually fast peer review process – May charge extra $$$ for this option.
  • Red flagUse false or misleading information on their websites to appear credible
     (e.g., false claims of index inclusion such as DOAJ, Crossref, etc.) or misleading metrics and statistics.
  • Deviate from best editorial and publication practices including rigorous peer review
  • Red flagEditorial Board members are fake, have falsified qualifications, or are included without their consent.

  • Lack transparency

  • No contact information OR incorrect contact information
  • Red flagPublishing papers without author consent or knowledge

  • Red flagNo digital preservation policy.

  • Use aggressive and indiscriminate solicitation practices 
  • Exhibit a spectrum of behaviors that range from genuinely fraudulent with varying degrees of unacceptable practices including well-intentioned but low-quality standards.
Grudniewicz A, Moher D, Cobey KD, et al. Predatory journals: no definition, no defence. Nature. 2019; 576(7786):210-212.
The InterAcademy Partnership (IAP). Combatting predatory academic journals and conferences. 2022.

Zubair, Y., Bailey, R., Carroll, A., Bisaccio, M., Uytenbogaardt, A. (Choice). (2024). Cover to cover: Profiling predatory publishing [Video].

Why Care About Predatory Publishing?

  • "It's easier for poor-quality papers to be published and disseminated" especially papers in predatory journals. 
  • "An author's academic career and an institution's credibility" can be damaged.
  • "There is no central authority monitoring predatory publishing."
Zubair, Y., Bailey, R., Carroll, A., Bisaccio, M., Uytenbogaardt, A. (Choice). (2024). Cover to cover: Profiling predatory publishing [Video].