are a good way to keep current in your field of interest. Many publishers offer this service for free.
are a good way to keep current with literature on a topic particularly when involved in a long term project. Many of our database interfaces offer this option using RSS feeds or email when you have a free personal account
Not every article will be readily available for download when using the hyperlinks in your Table of Contents or Search Alerts. For more information, go to Finding Documents on this webpage. Not every database interface and publisher is represented on this webpage, but the idea is the same.
IEEE Xplore contains journals, books, standards, and conference proceedings from IEEE and journals from other sources. You can create content and search alerts.
To find out what can be downloaded full text, select the What can I access? hyperlink. For more information when you can't download an article from IEEE Xplore, go to Finding Documents on this webpage.
After signing in, multiple journals can be selected or deselected by selecting the appropriate textbox on the Alerts webpage.
checkbox displayed IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine RSS feed icon
checkbox displayed IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems RSS feed icon
End of example: Selecting Content Alerts from IEEE XploreRSS feeds can be found when browsing by journals or on a journal's homepage.
It is easiest to create a search alert if you log into your personal account first. After you search, you can select the Set Search Alert hyperlink. Up to 15 searches are permitted.
New results will be delivered to the email account whenever there are new results. The alert can be disabled from the Alert webpage without deleting the saved search if you would like to run the search from IEEE Xplore manually.
Index to all of the journals, transactions, magazines, standards, and conference and colloquia proceedings published by IEEE.
contains Elsevier journals on many topics. ScienceDirect provides a RSS feed and an email alert for a journal. It can be set up using the journal's homepage.
For a RSS feed, select Articles & Issues from the navigation menu and RSS from the submenu.
For an email alert, select Articles & Issues from the navigation menu and sign in to set up journal alerts from the submenu. You will be prompted for a username and password.
contains Wiley journals on many topics as well. A RSS feed and an email alert for a journal can be set from the journal's home page.
For a RSS feed, select the RSS symbol.
For Get Contents Alerts (email alert), you will be prompted for a username and password.
A multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities. University Libraries also has an open access publishing agreement with Wiley. To learn more visit our Open Access Publishing Guide
contains Springer journals on many topics. A RSS feed and an email alert for a journal can be set from the journal's home page on SpringerLink.
For a RSS feed, select the Most recent articles RSS hyperlink.
For email alerts, select the Sign up for alerts button and you will be prompted for a username and password.
If you are able to download articles on campus, you will need to use the proxy server when you are off-campus. Go to a definition of a proxy server. opens new window
The easiest way is to search the UA Libraries Catalog. A search in the UA Libraries Catalog will find paper subscriptions and subscriptions that we have in databases too. Sometimes we don't buy our subscription from the publisher.
If you can download articles from the publishers website on-campus, as a short cut, you could add the proxy prefix to the URL in your Table of Contents email yourself. You would add this string,
to the beginning of the URL.
Be sure to try the UA Libraries Catalog in case we don't purchase a subscription from the publisher. If so, we can't use their website. If the journal title is not in the UA Libraries Catalog, you will probably need to use:
Try a keyword search using words in the conference title in the UA Libraries Catalog. If you can't find it in UA Libraries Catalog, try
A catalog for finding resources owned by OhioLINK libraries. An excellent tool for finding material that the University of Akron libraries do not own.