Masters and doctoral theses and dissertations from participating OhioLINK member institutions.
• Use to locate electronic UA theses and dissertations from 2005-present.
• Check the Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center (OhioLINK ETD Center) for the most recent works.
• Search by names, title, or institution.
Screenshot of an Undergraduate Honors Theses in IdeaExchange@UAkron (UA's institutional repository)
Searching for UA theses and dissertations in any format:
1. Go to the UA Libraries Catalog’ Advanced Search
2. Type the title, author, or keyword on the search box.
3. Click on the Add Limits button
4. Under the Material Type menu box, select Theses/Dissertations (any format)
5. Click on the Submit button to run the search.
TIP: For very recent works, also check the Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center (OhioLINK).
Searching for UA theses and dissertations by department:
1. Go to the UA Libraries Catalog
2. Type either of the following terms. For example: UA theses (biology)
UA theses ([department name])
UA dissertations ([department name])
UA research reports ([department name])
UA undergraduate theses ([department name])
3. Click the Search button to run the search.
Screenshot of a UA Libraries Catalog Record for a Thesis, in Print (Paper copy)