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Student Services offered by the Law Library

Acceptable Behavior Policy

Patrons are expected to follow the University of Akron Libraries' Acceptable Behavior Policy.

Other Policies

See the Law Library Home page for more information.

Study Room Procedures & Policies

Study rooms are available for law students, faculty and staff.

Checkout procedure: 

  1. Keys must be checked in and out from the circulation desk prior to using a study room during library hours.
  2. One study room check out per day (3 hours)
    1. If you do not use the entire 3 hours you cannot come back later that day to use your remaining hours.  
  3. You can reserve a room 1 day in advance at the circulation desk.
  4. Rooms are held for 10 minutes only, if you are later than 10 minutes you forfeit your reservation.
  5. Please have your zip card to check out study room.


All library and building policies apply to the use of study rooms. Please remember to be courteous to library staff and others while using the study rooms. You must close and lock the door prior to turning in the checked out study room key. Failure to follow library rules and policies may result in the loss of study room reservation and checkout privileges. 

Study rooms may be opened and available for law student use on nights and weekends at the discretion of the Associate Dean of Library & Information Services in consultation with the Law School Administration. All library and building policies apply during afterhours use.

Study Room Key Fines:

  • Late Key: $.50/hour
  • Keeping a Key Overnight: $5
  • Lost Key: $20