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Student Services offered by the Law Library

Study Room Procedures & Policies

Study rooms are available for law students, faculty and staff.

Checkout procedure: 

  1. Keys must be checked in and out from the circulation desk prior to using a study room during library hours.
  2. One study room check out per day (3 hours)
    1. If you do not use the entire 3 hours you cannot come back later that day to use your remaining hours.  
  3. You can reserve a room 1 day in advance at the circulation desk.
  4. Rooms are held for 10 minutes only, if you are later than 10 minutes you forfeit your reservation.
  5. Please have your zip card to check out study room.


All library and building policies apply to the use of study rooms. Please remember to be courteous to library staff and others while using the study rooms. You must close and lock the door prior to turning in the checked out study room key. Failure to follow library rules and policies may result in the loss of study room reservation and checkout privileges. 

Study rooms may be opened and available for law student use on nights and weekends at the discretion of the Associate Dean of Library & Information Services in consultation with the Law School Administration. All library and building policies apply during afterhours use.

Study Room Key Fines:

  • Late Key: $.50/hour
  • Keeping a Key Overnight: $5
  • Lost Key: $20

University of Akron Law Library Patron Code of Conduct

The Law Library prohibits activities that present health or security risks, are illegal, disrupt normal library operations, or damage library and law school resources. All patrons are expected to comply with University policy, Law School policy, the Bierce Library Acceptable Behavior Policy, and all law library policies.

Examples of prohibited conduct include, but are not limited to:

  • Making unreasonable noise that disturbs other users including, but not limited to, loud talking, other loud or disruptive noise, or noise from cell phone or audio/visual equipment usage.
  • Blocking entrance to and exit from the library; monopolizing/obstructing space, seating tables, or equipment to the exclusion of others.
  • Using profane, obscene, or abusive language or gestures.
  • Harassing or threatening behavior. 
  • Intentionally damaging, destroying, or stealing property belonging to the library, another patron, or staff.
  • Abusing, vandalizing, or improperly using furniture, equipment, or materials.
  • Entering unauthorized workspaces or work areas or other non-public areas.
  • Entering study rooms without a reservation.
  • Taking photographs and/or recording videos or audio of Library staff or patrons without their permission.
  • Smoking or vaping.
  • Using alcohol or illegal drugs.
  • Being under the influence, possessing alcohol or drugs, selling drugs or alcoholic beverages.
  • Engaging in sexual conduct or lewd behavior.
  • Littering.
  • Bringing animals other than service animals to the library
  • Soliciting, petitioning, or canvassing.
  • Posting or distributing literature without permission.
  • Using a bicycle, roller blades, skates, skateboard, in-line roller skates, or similar devices.
  • Unlawful or unauthorized possession of firearms, fireworks, explosives, other weapons, or dangerous chemicals, or using any item, even if lawfully possessed, in a manner that harms, threatens or causes fear to others.
  • Leaving unsupervised or unattended children who are unable to care for themselves.
  • Engaging in any activity in violation of federal, state, or local law or university or library policies.
  • Trespassing, violating an eviction, entering library property when banned, or remaining on library property after having been restricted or directed to leave.
  • Engaging in other acts disruptive to patrons and staff.

Although the Library reserves the right to require anyone violating the Code of Conduct to leave library property, the library generally will follow these steps when a violation occurs:

  1. Library personnel will verbally bring to an individual’s attention any act or omission that violates this Patron Code of Conduct or related library policies and ask the individual to change their behavior to conform to the rules.
  2. If such change is not evident or forthcoming, library personnel will direct the individual violating this Patron Code of Conduct or related library policies to leave library property. In some situations, a violation may result in an individual being directed to leave library property (Step 2) without the patron having been given a verbal warning under Step 1, including, for example, in situations when a patron’s presence poses a continuing danger to persons or property or an ongoing threat of disruption (for example, when engaging in a physical fight, etc.), or based on the severity or frequency of the violation.
  3. Failure to leave library property when directed may result in intervention by UAPD.
  4. Individuals who violate this Code of Conduct may be restricted from the library for varying periods of time, depending on the severity or frequency of the violation. If restricted for more than one day, the library will give written notice of the violation and restriction, either in person at the time of violation or by mail if possible.

Library and law school personnel may, in their discretion, call UAPD for assistance as needed. The library reserves the right to enforce this Code of Conduct consistent with safety, health, legal, and other relevant considerations, and the library will comply with all applicable laws. In addition, patrons must comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Suspected illegal activity will be reported to UAPD. Violations of law may result in a patron being expelled from the library, and/or other legal action, as appropriate. The examples listed above are not a complete list of violations but instead are intended to provide guidance. The Associate Dean of Library and Information Services and other Library personnel are authorized to determine what constitutes disruptive behavior.


Circulation Policy





Circulating books - students  28 days 2 renewals $.25 per day
Circulating books - faculty  6 months 2 renewals $.25 per day
OhioLINK books
for students 
21 days 6 renewals $.50 per day
OhioLINK books
for faculty 
42 days 6 renewals $.50 per day
OASP materials   3 days no renewals $1.00 per day
Casebooks  4 hours no renewals $.50/hour
Law Laptops 

24 hours 

or 1 week

no renewals $10.00/hr


For OhioLINK materials, if a patron at the lending institution requests the book that you have checked-out, you will not be able to renew it.

For more detailed information about circulation, renewals and overdue fines, please ask at the Circulation Desk.