All information provided on The University of Akron School of Law Library ("School of Law Library") web site and attached pages is intended for general public and educational use only and should not be regarded or taken as legal advice that would be provided by an attorney to his or her client.
Certain links on this site lead to servers maintained by individuals or organizations over whom the School of Law Library has no control. Those links, when provided, are available to help users identify and locate other Internet resources that may be of interest. The School of Law Library makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or any other aspect of the information located on such servers.
The School of Law Library, its librarians and staff do not provide legal advice and counsel. Individuals who have legal questions should contact an attorney. Assistance locating an attorney is available from organizations such as the Akron Bar Association Lawyer Referral and Information Service, which may be reached at (330) 253-5038.