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Data Research for Criminal Law

Two Forms of Data Collection in the U.S.

Two forms of data collection:

1. FBI's National Incident-Based Reporting System - (NIBRS) Conducted by FBI- police departments report arrests. Also see description from NACJD. See NIBRS 101 video explaining the history of NIBRS.

2. National Crime Victimization Survey - Conducted by Bureau of Justice Statistics. Interview households to pick up unreported crime.

Good places to start (see more info below)

1. Learcat

2. FBI Crime Data Explorer

Bureau of Justice Statistics

Screenshot of  Learcat clearance data for prostitution offenses in Harris County, TX

FBI Data

Screenshot FBI Crime Data Explorer


Search by Crime= Prostitution - 1,471 offenses reported in Texas.


Screenshot FBI Crime Data Explorer - Prostitution Victim Demographics, location of incident

United States Sentencing Commission

General Data

Federal Court Statistics