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Library Services

Things in the Library

Learning Studios

Great for faculty, staff, and student groups who need a larger space to meet.

Reserve a Learning Studio

Commuter Lounge

Located as soon as you walk into the library off to the right. Includes a coffee maker, refrigerator, and microwave. You can purchase coffee pods at the Service Desk.

Sensory Space - Coming Soon!

Located on the first floor to the right of the front entrance, past the Commuter Lounge.

Family Study Room and a Mother's Room

To provide a family-friendly environment for parents and guardians attending UA, the library provides a Family Study room on the ground floor (to the left if you are walking out of the elevators) and a Nursing Mother's Room, located on the second floor near the bathrooms.

Reserve the Family Study Room


As you walk into Bierce located on the left side of the lobby. See Starbucks Hours

Vending Machines

Includes a variety of snacks and drinks. Located next to Starbucks. Accepts ZipCard, credit card, and cash.

Campus Cupboard

Provides enrolled UA students in periodic need with access to non-perishable food and hygiene items in partnership with ZipAssist.

Accessible Bathrooms

Including a Hoyer lift in the first floor accessible bathroom.

Charging Stations

Charge up your devices using the charging stations located on the first and second floors. Please do not leave your devices unattended.

ZipAssist Campus Cupboard

Family Study Room

Charging Station

Nursing Mother's Room

Commuter Kitchen

Learning Studio 154

Commuter Lounge and Kitchen

Nap Pod Room