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Anthropology & Archaeology Research Guide

Finding Articles

Finding Articles

Use the list of specialized databases on this page to locate articles relevant to your topic.

Begin with a keyword search using relevant terms from your research topic. Most of the article you locate will be in full-text HTML or PDF format. If the article you want is not available in full-text via these databases, search the title of the journal (not the article title) in the UA Library Catalog to see if the library has a print or electronic subscription. If the journal is not available in the library, you may request the article through our Interlibrary Loan system (ILL) called ILLiad.

You may find assistance with all of the above at the User Support Services desk on the first floor of Bierce Library. Phone: 330-972-8161

Search Logic Tutorial (Boolean Logic)

Databases Useful in Anthropology & Archaeology


Anthropology and Archaeology are highly interdisciplinary fields of study, meaning that research topics often overlap or intertwine with other broad areas of study. Always begin your research with Anthropology Plus and eHRAF, then search other databases as appropriate.The usefulness of additional databases will depend upon your research topic. For instance, if you are researching something about ancient art or architecture, you will need to add the databases for art and the humanities to your search. If your topic has something to do with how people behave in groups and societies, including authority, caring for the infirm, death, family, marriage, and so on, you will need to search SocINDEX and the Sociological Collection a well.. Medical Anthropological topics can be found in both, Anthropology Plus and BIOSIS. Topics pertaining to religion can be found in the religion databases and so on. BE THOROUGH! Search multiple sources for a more complete knowledge of your topic and a better assignment!

Electronic Journal Collections

These e-journal collections are an additional source of full-text articles.Simply enter your search terms in the search boxes and review your results.