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Fireside Readers Book Discussion Group (Wayne College)

Wayne College's community book club, discussing works of non-fiction on the fourth Monday of the month

Considerations not selected October 2022

Considerations: Feb 2022 - July 2022

Fall 2021: Read the World: Africa

Fall 2021: Read the World: South America or Central America

Fall 2021: Read the World: Middle East

Fall 2021: Read the World: Australia, New Zealand, or Pacific Islands

Fall 2021: Read the World: East Asia and South Asia

Spring 2021: Reading or Writing

Spring 2021: Arts and Music

Spring 2021: History

Spring 2021: Civics (government, politics)

Spring 2021: Social Studies & Philosophy

Spring 2021: Science / Math

Fall 2020: Humorous Memoir

Fall 2020: Civil War

Fall 2020: Women in Non-Traditional Roles

Fall 2020: Another Book by a Favorite Author

February - July 2020 Category 1: Ohio

February - July 2020 Category 2: True Crime

February - July 2020 Category 3: Social Justice

February - July 2020 Category 4: Disaster / Survival

February - July 2020 Category 5: Historic Biography / Memoir (Someone who is no longer living)

February - July 2020 Category 6: Health / Science

July-November 2019 Category 1: Historic Time Period 1960's

July-November 2019 Category 2: LGTBQ+

July-November 2019 Category 3: Contemporary Biography

July-November 2019 Category 4: Travelogue / Foreign Country or Culture

July-November 2019 Category 5: Feel Good / Humor / Animals (that don't have tragic end)

Considerations (starting in February 2018)