The Law of Patents covers topics such as:
The following Primary Sources are available on commercial databases, such as Lexis, Westlaw, and Bloomberg, as well as on the Internet for free. For most of them, only the link to the source on the free Internet is provided below. Commercial sources may have broader coverage than what is on the web.
For a free database with many primary and secondary sources, see the IP Mall.
U.S. Const. Art. I § 8, cl. 8 grants Congress the power to laws for the granting of patents. Sometimes the case notes in an annotated copy of the U.S. Constitution may come in handy in researching patent issues. An annotated copy of the Constitution is on Lexis and Westlaw.
Besides the usual legislative history sources, here is a source for compiled legislative histories for patent legislation:
Find "regulation histories" - compilations of Federal Register notices, proposed rules, and rules representing the complete rulemaking process associated with specific Public Laws and Executive Orders.
Regulatory Insight Libguide
Search case databases and dockets for court cases involving patents. Note that Patent Trial and Appeal Board administrative decisions can be appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, which has exclusive jurisdiction to hear nearly all appeals of PTAB decisions. Here are some databases that specifically contain patent cases, (but you could search any database containing cases, such as Google Scholar):
The Official Gazette for Patents (OG) is the official journal of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), published weekly on Tuesday. The Notices contain important information and changes in rules concerning patents. The Reexamination Certificates are issued and published upon completion of a PTO reexamination proceeding and reflect cancellation of any claim of the patent finally determined to be patentable and/or confirm any claim of the patent determined to be patentable, and incorporate in the patent any amended or new claim determined to be patentable.
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