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EBP & PICOT Questions

Starting Your PICOT Literature Search

Construct Search Strategies

Combine concepts using Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT). Use keywords and subject terms in combination. 

asthma AND child*

  • Use AND to search for specific terms or concepts only
  • Usually retrieves fewer results 
  • The more “ANDs” that are used, the more specific the search 

asthma AND (youth OR teenagers OR adolescents)

  • Use OR to search for synonyms or variations of terms.
  • Usually retrieves more search results
  • OR searches for at least one of the terms or concepts

java NOT coffee

  • Use NOT to exclude concept(s) from results.
    Use NOT sparingly as it might exclude potential useful information

Gathering Synonyms

Think broadly and abstractly!

  • Terms with the same meaning
  • Terms with alternate spellings
  • Complex concepts described inconsistently
  • Umbrella terms and specific names
  • Keywords and database-specific subject terms (e.g., MeSH)
  • If a specific setting cannot be found, consider comparable settings (e.g., other cities)

Major Steps in a PICO(T) Search

1. Create a well-defined question (i.e., PICO(T) or PICO question)
2. For each major PICOT component, compile synonyms and subject headings (when available) 
3. Consider the inclusion and exclusion criteria
4. Construct the search strategy using Boolean operators
5. Select database(s) and execute the search. Tailor search strategies to database(s)
6. Refine the search results
7. Review the literature
8. Assess the evidence
9. Save search and export results to citation management tool (e.g., Zotero)

Searching Fundamentals: A Refresher

  • Truncation:
    Add an asterisk (*) to a root word (4 letters or more) to find word variations.
    Example:  injur* retrieves injured, injury, injuries
  • Phrase searching:
    Enclose phrases (two or more words) in quotes.
    Example: “metered dose inhalers” d* OR searches for at least one of the terms or concepts. Used between similar/like terms, synonyms, or spelling variations Retrieves more search results, use parentheses to group terms.
    Example: ("patient education” OR “health education”)

Too Few Results? Too Many Results?

If there are few or no search results,

  • Add other terms using the AND operator
  • Add more OR operators to search for related words/synonyms
  • Use proximity operators 
  • Search multiple databases
  • Use Cited By searching

If there are too search results,

  • Consider limiting your search to English-language publications
  • Limit your fields to title, abstract, or subjects
  • Add more keywords to your search strategy
  • Limit the search to the U.S.---this limiter may not always be available


Comparing Key Journal Databases

Search more than 1 database for best results. Get to know some slight differences among key databases below:

Database Name Subject Headings Proximity Searching
CINAHL Yes (CINAHL Headings) Yes (W/ or N/)
Cochrane Yes (MeSH) No
Academic Search Complete Yes (Subject Terms) Yes (W/ or N/)
PubMed Yes (MeSH) No
PsycINFO (PsycNet) Yes (APA Thesaurus) ?
PsycINFO (EBSCOhost) Yes ?
Web of Science No Yes (or (N, ADJ, W/ or NEAR/)