This page contains abbreviations for some secondary sources you will frequently use in legal research that are not included in the Bluebook. You may use these abbreviations whenever citing one of these sources for any legal research classes offered at Akron Law.
Ohio Jurisprudence, third series - Ohio Jur. 3d
American Jurisprudence, second series - Am. Jur.2d
Corpus Juris Secundum - C.J.S.
American Law Reports:
First Series A.L.R.
Second Series A.L.R.2d
Third Series A.L.R.3d
Fourth Series A.L.R.4th
Fifth Series A.L.R.5th
Sixth Series A.L.R.6th
ALR Fed A.L.R. Fed.
ALR Fed Second A.L.R. Fed.2d
ALR International A.L.R. Int'l