EndNote Basic is the free version of EndNote Online. There is not access to the EndNote Software that you download on your computer with the free version. EndNote Basic can help you be more organized with and format your references. To store references, it doesn't require you to install software. It is not perfect. Sometimes the data is wrong and the information needs edited. Sometimes the Capture button does not function properly. However if you use the tips below, this can make EndNote Basic the time saver that it is meant to be.
It is freely available to everyone. To get started,
You have a few options. Choose what is easiest for you.
Next, select the Export hyperlink. From the resulting screen, select the radio button beside Direct Export to EndNote Web (i.e. EndNote Basic) in the Save citations to a file formatted for: section, then press the Save button.
Examples of databases that use the EBSCO interface are:
Note: The interface for all EBSCO databases will be updated in June 2025. Preview the new interface for this database. For more information about the change, visit the EBSCO new interface page.
Multi-disciplinary source for scholarly, popular, professional, and news publications. This is a good place to start many searches or to gather material from various disciplines at once.
Index and abstracts to articles, books, maps, reports, and other literature on geology and geosciences. Includes or has links to full text.
Note: The interface for all EBSCO databases will be updated in June 2025. Preview the new interface for this database. For more information about the change, visit the EBSCO new interface page.
Comprehensive index to international medical literature with links to full text.
Mark records from the search results screen, then select the Cite button. Select RIS, EndNote, Civati, etc. from the Export to a citation manager or file section of the popup screen.
Lastly, select the Continue button from the screen that appears to create a RIS export file.
Choose Collect from the main menu in EndNote Basic, then select Import References. From the Import References screen, Select the .ris file that you downloaded from Proquest. Select RefMan RIS from the Import Option and a folder from the To combobox or dropdown.
Examples of databases that use the Proquest interface are:
This expanded version of the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) contains bibliographic citations from journals, books and dissertations covering economics-related literature in both economic theory and application.
Use the method you like best. They all have pros and cons.
can be found using Downloads from the EndNote Basic menu. For Internet Explorer, this button can be installed the same time as Cite While you Write. There is an extension for Firefox users. For other browsers, you must use the capture bookmarklet. The webpage provides instructions about installing it.
Sometimes the Capture button does not work well – even when using some partner websites. The form will appear, but you would need to enter or edit every field. When this happens, you might want to import a RIS file or use the online search in EndNote Basic if you can. Otherwise, you would be forced to manually enter the information.
There are many online databases and websites that can be searched from EndNote Basic. Remember if it is a database that needs a subscription, UA Libraries must subscribe; otherwise, you can't use it. Some users have found the search to be slow. If this is the case, it might be faster to Export/Import a RIS file
Most publisher websites and databases will allow a RIS file to be exported. There are many, many other export files that you can use with EndNote Basic. From experience, you will learn the best one to use for a particular database or website.
Notice where the file saves on your computer. Choose Collect from the EndNote Basic menu, then Import References. The Import References webpage will require an export file, an import option (format of the file e.g. RIS), and a folder. Select the Import button to import the references.
This add-in can be used with Microsoft Word. After selecting Downloads from the EndNote Basic menu, download the correct version of Cite While you Write for Windows or the Mac OS X.
Formatted in-text references can be inserted using Cite While you Write. A reference section will be generated at the end of your document as well.