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Information Literacy Modules: Library 201

Welcome to Library 201

University of Akron librarians created a menu of online information literacy modules that highlight the research skills needed to be successful as students start college.  These online lessons may be required by individual course instructors.   Students should check their syllabi at the start of the semester to determine which lessons are required in each course.

How to Complete Library 201

  1. Enroll in the course in Brightspace (see link in menu).
  2. Complete the "Library 201 Survey (Required: Take once)" Survey.
  3. Complete the content for each lesson.
  4. Complete each lesson's quiz.  You must achieve at least a 70% to receive a certificate for the lesson.
  5. Optional: Complete the feedback survey
  6. Print or save your certificate under the "Awards" tab.

Need help? We've Got You!

If you have any questions regarding this course contact the Wayne College Library information desk: (330) 684-8789 or or (Please put Library 201: Lesson X in the subject line.)

Chat and SMS text services are also available during normal Library hours of operation.

Demonstration Video