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Banned Books Week

Banned Books Week | September 23th - 28th

Banned Books Week

University Libraries  at The University of Akron is celebrating Banned Books Week by highlighting select print books and eBooks from our collections.  If you're on campus during September please stop by and visit our display at Bierce Library.

Image from American Library Association

Banned and Challenged Books FAQs & Facts

What is the difference between a challenge or banning?
A challenge is an attempt to remove or restrict materials, based upon the objections of a person or group. A banning is the removal of those materials. Challenges do not simply involve a person expressing a point of view; rather, they are an attempt to remove material from the curriculum or library, thereby restricting the access of others. Due to the commitment of librarians, teachers, parents, students and other concerned citizens, most challenges are unsuccessful and most materials are retained in the school curriculum or library collection.

Why are books challenged?
Books usually are challenged with the best intentions—to protect others, frequently children, from difficult ideas and information. Read more