Note: Use this link to access not only open access articles but University Library paid resources as well.
A free resource supporting the search and retrieval of biomedical and life sciences literature with the aim of improving health–both globally and personally. Maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI).
Note: The interface for all EBSCO databases will be updated in June 2025. Preview the new interface for this database. For more information about the change, visit the EBSCO new interface page.
Comprehensive source for full text nursing and allied health journal literature.
Leading resource for systematic reviews in health care. Contains high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making.
MedGen (NCBI database):
Provides genetic disease information including research articles on etiology, diagnosis, therapy, prognosis, clinical prediction guides, and systematic reviews.
1. Go to MedGen at:
2. Type the name of the disease/condition and run the search on MedGen.
3. Look for the name of the disease and click on the hyperlink.
4. Scroll down to the section on "Therapy" to find articles.
Finding Guidelines:
“Clinical practice guidelines are systematically developed statements to assist practitioner and patient decisions about appropriate health care for specific clinical circumstances.” (Institute of Medicine, 1990)
Search for the most current guidelines, if possible. The following professional websites are excellent starting points (see hyperlinks below).
1. On the website search box, type ( "clinical practice guidelines" OR "practice guidelines" OR guidelines) AND name of the disease or broader disease term here
2. Run the search and look for the guidelines that pertain to the disease/condition, when available.
Systematic reviews and meta-analysis are based on the findings of multiple studies.
Ethics: "Used with techniques and activities for discussion and analysis with respect to human and social values."
A primary resource covering current social issues that helps students discover, analyze, and organize a broad variety of data for conducting research, writing assignments, debates, and presentations. By providing both pro and con perspectives on many topics, this is an excellent starting point for building an argumentative essay.
PubMed's MeSH Database - Can be used to find research articles on different aspects of the disease
1. Go to the MeSH Database at:
2. Type the name of the disease or condition on the search box. Then, click the Search button.
3. Look for the name of the disease. If available, then, click on the hyperlink.
4. The MeSH record will include selected subheadings (or specific aspects of the disease such as therapy, economics, etc.). Look for subheading(s) that appear appropriate for your search (e.g., economics, psychology, epidemiology, and others) to help you address requirements for the class presentation.
Highly recommended: Click on the Subheadings to read descriptions of the subheadings. Also, mark the boxes next to the Restrict to MeSH Major Topic box.
5. After marking the boxes next to the subheadings you want, click on the Add to search builder button.
6. Click on Search PubMed to run the search. See illustration below.
8. To narrow your search further, consider limiting to English language and Systematic Reviews, Meta-Analysis, or/and guidelines.