Note: The interface for all EBSCO databases will be updated in June 2025. Preview the new interface for this database. For more information about the change, visit the EBSCO new interface page.
Contains e-books on many academic subjects. Every word in every book is searchable and users can preview the e-books online and can check out the book for a specified amount of time.
Scholarly ebooks covering a wide variety of subjects with a user-friendly interface.
A catalog for finding resources owned by OhioLINK libraries. An excellent tool for finding material that the University of Akron libraries do not own.
Use the UA Libraries Catalog to find (print) books at The University of Akron.
A few things to note:
1) Look for the most updated information (i.e., medical information should always be as current as possible).
2) The different aspects of the disease may not be found in one source, so search in multiple sources (e.g.,, books, databases) to find the information needed for the presentation.
3) Double-check accuracy of references in APA Style, 7th edition before submitting presentation.
4) Please ask questions, when in doubt.