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VPN Setup

Instructions on how to download FortClient and setup access to UA's VPN on different operating systems.


*Please note that Fortinet has changed their public repositories to a version that does not have VPN remote access capabilities.  The version below is available only with a support contract. If you previously installed from the Fortinet repo, you likely need to remove the old version before following the instructions below.  

Fortigate Supported Linux Distributions

If you are running Fedora, CentOS, or Ubuntu, there are updated versions of the VPN client.

To install on Red Hat or CentOS:

Downdload the FortiClient Linux installation rpm file.
In a terminal window, run the following command: $ sudo yum install <FortiClient installation rpm file> -y
  <FortiClient installation rpm file> is the full path to the downloaded rpm file.

To install on Ubuntu:
Download the FortiClient Linux installation deb file.

Once installed, please configure with the settings below:

Connection: University of Akron

Linux FortiClient setup page