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Student Services offered by the Law Library


To check out materials, you will need a valid ZipCard or photo ID.

Books circulate for four weeks.

Audio materials circulate for 72 hours except during the Reading Period and the Finals Period. During these two weeks they circulate for 24 hours.

Reporters, periodicals, multi-volume sets, loose- leaf materials do not circulate.

The library staff will be happy to help you locate the items you need. Also, many items can be ordered via OhioLINK.

Additionally, much legal information and law study materials  are available electronically:

Interlibrary Loan

In a hurry?

If you can wait 3-7 days...

Search the UA Libraries Catalog or Zipsearch

  • If what you need is available on campus, then you can request to have the book placed on hold for you to pick up at the Law Library. Simply click on the "Request" button at the top of book's record. 

OhioLINK Catalog

  • Unable to find your book in the UA Libraries Catalog? Or is the book checked out or missing? Then you can search the OhioLINK catalog. If a member library has the book you need, you can request to have it sent to the Law Library for you to pick up. You can either search the OhioLINK catalog directly, or simply click on the "OhioLINK" button while viewing your search results, or a book's record, within the UA Libraries Catalog.

If you can wait 1-2 weeks...

Place an Interlibrary Loan request.  If the book you need is unavailable through any of the above resources, then you can place an Interlibrary Loan request.

  • The Law Library will try to locate the book in libraries across the country and, if necessary, worldwide.
  • Books typically take 1-2 weeks to arrive, but there is no guarantee that we can borrow the book you need. Note that the Law Library will not request case books, study aids, or nutshells.
  • When filling out the online request form, please provide as much citation information as possible. Please provide any extra notes or details in the "Comments" section of the form.

Renew Your University of Akron & OhioLINK Materials

Need help?

For research help:

  • Call (330) 972-7330 or stop by the Circulation desk

For questions about Interlibrary loans and OhioLINK:

  • Contact Tiffanie Nevins via e-mail or call (330) 972-7330

How Long Can a Book be Checked Out?





Circulating books - students  28 days 2 renewals $.25 per day
Circulating books - faculty  6 months 2 renewals $.25 per day
OhioLINK books
for students 
21 days 6 renewals $.50 per day
OhioLINK books
for faculty 
42 days 6 renewals $.50 per day
OASP materials   3 days no renewals $1.00 per day
Casebooks  4 hours no renewals $.50/hour
Law Laptops 

24 hours 

or 1 week

no renewals $10.00/hr


For OhioLINK materials, if a patron at the lending institution requests the book that you have checked-out, you will not be able to renew it.

For more detailed information about circulation, renewals and overdue fines, please ask at the Circulation Desk.