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Writing and Citations

This is a guide to resources to help with academic writing and citing sources.

Editing Help from UA Writing Labs

After you have a draft of your paper make an appointment with the UA Writing Labs for an in-person writing consultation (please call to make an appointment). They can assist in the editing process and help you develop your writing skills.

  • Bierce Writing Commons
    Location: Bierce Library, Ground Floor, Room 68. Please call 330-972-6548.
    Typical hours: Monday - Thursday, 10 am to 6 pm.
  • Writing Lab
    Location: Polsky 303. Please call 330-972-7046.
OhioLINK eTutoring
Students may submit assignments for review anytime, but before Finals Week. Assignments are reviewed within two business days.

Handy Tools

General Writing Resources

These sites provide information on all steps of the writing process, from organizing your thoughts at the beginning to the mechanics of writing the paper itself to properly citing your sources.