New users must register for a SciFinder-n account.
Chemical information primarily from Chemical Abstracts, CAS registry, and Medline. Excellent search tool for finding chemical information from journals, patents, conference proceedings, and technical reports. Training for SciFinder-n is available from the vendor
Database of scholarly, patent, and trade information about polymers (formerly Rapra Abstracts). Use to search for legal, business, and trade polymer information or to supplement a scholarly polymer search.
A rich collection of citation indexes representing the citation connections between scholarly research articles found in the most globally significant journals, books, and proceedings in the sciences, social sciences and art & humanities.
These are references specifically on polymers, plastics, composites and related subjects.
If you are searching for a specific book, try the catalogs in this list. If you don't find it from one catalog, try the next catalog in the list.
Sometimes it is convenient to search electronic books directly particularly when looking for quick facts or code syntax. Refer to the electronic book sources in this section or the previous section, Databases to Find Aritcles, Books and More. Use the descriptions to find the databases that contain electronic books that are most closely related to your topic. Keep in mind that not all books will be available for download. It depends on the database and the library's subscriptions.
Over 800 essential reference books and databases from the world's leading scientific publishers and professional societies in 18 industrially important subject areas.
EBooks, references works, and journals in the fields of science, medicine, engineering and more. University Libraries also has an open access publishing agreement with Springer Link. To learn more visit our Open Access Publishing Guide.
A multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities. University Libraries also has an open access publishing agreement with Wiley. To learn more visit our Open Access Publishing Guide
Masters and doctoral theses and dissertations from participating OhioLINK member institutions.
Abstracts only, no full text. This database is the world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world.
Interested in theses or dissertations after 2004? Try the Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center. You can download them as PDF and browse them according to department if you wish. You can even search for a particular adviser.
Interested in theses or dissertations prior to 2005? Use the keyword search in the UA Libraries Catalog. You could try a x
Masters and doctoral theses and dissertations from participating OhioLINK member institutions.