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Chemical information primarily from Chemical Abstracts, CAS registry, and Medline. Excellent search tool for finding chemical information from journals, patents, conference proceedings, and technical reports. Training for SciFinder-n is available from the vendor
Database of scholarly, patent, and trade information about polymers (formerly Rapra Abstracts). Use to search for legal, business, and trade polymer information or to supplement a scholarly polymer search.
A rich collection of citation indexes representing the citation connections between scholarly research articles found in the most globally significant journals, books, and proceedings in the sciences, social sciences and art & humanities.
These are references specifically on polymers, plastics, composites and related subjects.
Use encyclopedias and other general references to get a topical overview before diving into the specific journal literature. Ullmann's opens in new window and Kirk-Othmer opens in new window both offer substantial non-engineering content.
Masters and doctoral theses and dissertations from participating OhioLINK member institutions.
Abstracts only, no full text. This database is the world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world.