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AI Text Generators

How to tell if students used AI?

ChatGPT may identify its own work:  Enter in a few sentences from the student's paper and ask ChatGPT "did you write this?". Although ChatGPT might only recognize its own writing if you are in the version the student used - 3.5 vs. 4. But it is not 100% accurate and there are false positives and false negatives.

Research Guide

Lexis AI

Check with your professor to see if you are allowed to use Lexis AI for a particular assignment.


  • When you sign in to Lexis, you first arrive at the Law School Homepage.
  • Click on Go to Lexis+ (red button on the left)
  • Click on the 3x3 vertical dots icon in the upper left
  • Click on Lexis AI

You can copy the results by scrolling down to the end, past the citations and there is an icon for Copy in the lower right.

Practical Law AI

AI for social media posts, emails and presentation slides

AI Art Generators

AI Legal Tools - brief and contract analyzers, etc.