How do I check out materials?
Present your Zip Card at the information desk to check out materials; it is also your library card.
Can I check my own library record?
Yes. You can check and manage your library record with "My Library Account " in the library catalog. After logging in with your UAnet ID and password you can:
How long can I keep my library materials?
This depends on the lending rules for individual items and the type of library lending the item:
UA Books | Students | 4 weeks (28 days) | Three renewals* |
Faculty | 1 semester (150 days) | Three renewals* | |
OhioLINK Books | Students | 3 weeks (21 days) | Six renewals* |
Faculty | 6 weeks (42 days) | Six renewals* | |
SearchOhio Books | All patrons | 3 weeks (21 days) | Four renewals* |
Other items:
Wayne Periodicals | All patrons | 1 week (7 days) | Three renewals* |
Wayne Audiovisual | All patrons | 1 week (7 days) | Three renewals* |
Wayne Reserves | All patrons | Determined by instructors | No renewals |
Wayne Textbooks on Reserve | All patrons | 2 hours | No renewals |
OhioLINK AV | All patrons | 1 week | Three renewals* |
SearchOhio AV | All patrons | 1 week | Three renewals* |
*Renewals are only allowed as long as there are no holds by another patron.
How do I renew my library materials?
You may renew your library materials in any of the following ways:
I tried to renew materials online and the items were not renewed. Why?
There are several reasons why some items may not be renewed online. The following items will not be renewed:
If you are trying to renew items that are overdue, please contact the library to have a staff member renew the items and have the associated fines added to your library record.
What happens if I return my library materials late?
When materials are returned late, fines are generated and added to your library record. Once the charges on your library record exceed $20.00 a block will be placed on your record that will prohibit you from checking out any more materials.
What are the fines for returning materials late?
Fines are determined depending on the material type and the owning library.
What should I do if I think I have lost or damaged an item I have checked out?
If you have misplaced an item you have checked out, it will likely turn up. If you still have renewals available on the item, we recommend that you renew the item and continue looking for it. If it does not turn up or it has been damaged beyond repair, contact the library to determine the cost of replacement. Items that have been overdue for a long time will automatically be considered lost and you will be billed for the replacement cost in addition to any overdue fines.
What is the cost of replacing lost or damaged items?
What if I find the item after I have been billed for the item?
Depending on the item, your charge will be reduced to the maximum overdue fine.
How will I receive notices regarding my library record?
Can I have my library notices sent to an alternate email address?
Yes. You can have all of your University of Akron email messages forwarded to an email address of your choice.
Where should I return library items?
I received a message that an item I checked out has been recalled. What does that mean?
Your checked out items are subject to "recall" after 21 days. Items may be recalled by another library patron. The library staff will attempt to find another copy of the item from another library before the item is recalled, but on rare occasions you may be asked to return your materials before the original due date.
Once an item is recalled the item will be assigned a new due date and you will be notified via an email message with the subject line, "Recalled Materials: UA Library Notice." Please return the item by the new due date or you will be charged $1.00 per day.
I cannot register for classes or request my transcript. I have been told that I have a library hold. What does this mean?
You may have been billed for the replacement of library materials that are checked out on your library account. Please speak to the library staff to discuss your library account. The library hold will be removed once the library materials are returned or replaced.
I cannot renew my items, check out materials, or request materials from the Ohiolink or University of Akron catalogs. What does this mean?
A hold may be placed on your library account because you may meet one of the following conditions:
Your library account block will remain in effect until the materials are returned and your total amount of library fines are reduced to under $20.00.