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Mechanical Engineering

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Where do I start?

Subject or Course Guides are a great place to go to find out about a subject.

ZipSearch is a good place to start. It searches several of our databases and catalogs simultaneously. Don't use ZipSearch for in-depth research.

thumbs upGood use – Find one article to review for a class project.

thumbs downPoor use – Perform a background search for your thesis.

Use the databases directly for in-depth research on a topic. If you know exactly what book, DVD, etc. that you want, use the UA Libraries Catalog directly.

*Images provided by Microsoft Clip Art

How to Access Electronic Resources Off-Campus?

How do I Find a Specific Article?

Do you know where the Article is (what journal, conference, volume, pages, etc)? Use the UA Libraries Catalog. opens new window

Need a Specific Article that Can't be Downloaded and is not in our Library? Try

How do I Find Articles on a Topic?

Use databases in the Finding Articles & Books page of this guide. Use the descriptions to find the databases that contain articles that are most closely related to your topic.

Where should I start? Try

How do I get an Article from Interlibrary Loan?

Using the Request through interlibrary loan hyperlink.

When you use the Full Text Finder button from one of our databases, the Request through interlibrary loan hyperlink could be the only one that appears. Some databases will have this hyperlink listed directly on the search results. In these cases, you don't have to select the Full Text Finder button first.

Either way, the form will partially fill out for you. Be sure to check the information is right – The more correct the information you give them, the faster you will get the article. After you select the hyperlink, you will need to log on using your UANet ID and password.

Getting your Article

Interlibrary loan will get the article for you if they can. If they can get a copy, you will get an email when your article is ready. If they can't get a copy, you will get an email letting you know as well.

Filling out the Interlibrary Loan Request Form

If you did not find your article from a database and we do not have it, fill out the interlibrary loan opens new window form. An example of how to fill out the About my item section when requesting an article is

Journal Title: *

Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics

Published Date:






Page Numbers: *

260 - 264

Title of the article: *

Nanocrystalline GaZnO films for transparent electrode to silicon carbide

Author of article:

Jungho Lee, Ji-Hong, Kim, Kang-Min Do, Byung-Moo Moon, Ji-Hoon Lee, Sang-Mo Koo







Where did you learn about this item?


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Information about Licensure

How Can I Find Engineering Software?

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  • LaTeX
    Last Updated Sep 20, 2023 287 views this year

Information for Faculty

Brightspace Library Modules

There are modules in the Learning Repository:

  • Literature Review Tutorials: Why am I Finding Literature?
  • Literature Review Tutorials: Getting Started with Finding Literature
  • Literature Review Tutorials: How to Choose Keywords and Construct a Search String
  • Literature Review Tutorials: How to Find Full Text Documents
  • Literature Review Tutorials: Evaluating Information
  • Literature Review Tutorials: How to Find Theses and Dissertations
  • Literature Review Tutorials: How to Find More Books

To add any of these modules to your courses, select (Admin Tools) from the upper right and the Import/Export/Copy Components hyperlink.

Select Import Components and from Learning Object Repository. Search for and select the tutorial. If you always want the updated copy, create a dynamic link. You can lock to the specific version of the content if you want as well. If you want to make some changes, then copy it as content.

If you use it in your class, please let me know how it worked for you.

Institutional Repository

Preserve your work and make it easier to find via Google by making it available on IdeaExchange@UAkron. opens new window Create a SelectedWorks page to promote your most important works. When posting work, always follow the publisher's guidelines.

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