"The action or practice of taking someone else's work, idea, etc., and passing it off as one's own."--Oxford English Dictionary
--UA Student Conduct and Community Standards
Please keep in mind that plagiarism is still plagiarism even if it is unintentional! Have you ever tried telling a police officer that you thought the speed limit was 55mph when in fact it was 35mph? Ignorance of the law is never an excuse.
Here are some tools to keep track of your sources, organize them, and create bibliographies for your assignments:
Below are links to short videos, tutorials and lessons to help you avoid plagiarism:
"The University of Akron community regards academic misconduct as a serious matter. It is your responsibility to know what constitutes academic misconduct."
--UA Office of Student Judicial Affairs
From UA's Code of Student Conduct:
"Academic misconduct is any activity that compromises the academic integrity of the student and university, and undermines the educational process." [3359-41-01(D)(1)]
This includes plagiarism, defined in part as: "Intentional or unintentional representation of ideas or works of another author or creator in whole or in part as the student’s own without properly citing the original source for those ideas or works." [3359-41-01(D)(1)(b)(i)]