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Finding Data & Statistics

Search strategies and key resources to help you find data and statistical information.

Ohio Data Resources for Social Work

U.S. Data Sources for Social Work

Local Data Resources for Social Work

Ohio Counties and Cities

This tool will you help find statistical data on Ohio cities and towns.


OSU Extension
The county extension program in the State of Ohio provides resources about home and family life, farms, businesses, local communities, and health. Use "Locate an Office" to find the website for a specific county office.

Chamber of Commerce Directory
Chambers of Commerce are organizations that advocate for the needs of business. Use this directory to locate the website for a local Chamber within Ohio.

Rural Assistance Center - Ohio Resources
The RAC provides a list of tools and organizations that can be useful for rural areas.

Ohio Development Services Agency
Formerly known as the Department of Development, ODSA works to support of Ohio's businesses and communities