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Search the UA Library Catalog

How to find a book not in the law library

  • Request Books from Bierce Library: When on the U Akron Library Catalog, if a book is at the Bierce Library, hit the green Request button at the top to have it sent to the law library. This process can take up to 3 business days.
  • Try Ohiolink: If U Akron Libraries do not have something, you can request via Ohiolink. This can take 7 business days.
  • Verify the TItle you are searching for via WorldcatWorldcat is a combined catalog of libraries all around the world. Local public libraries such as Summit County or Cleveland Public are not in Ohiolink. So Worldcat can indicate if an item is in a local public library you can go to.
  • Try Searching the Web, particularly if the book is older and out of copyright. Try especially:
  • Borrowing from out-of-state: use interlibrary loan.  If the University Libraries and OhioLINK do not own the material, you will have to request the material using the online interlibrary loan form.  The Law Library requests the material from out-of-state. The form can be used to request articles, books, book chapters, reports and conference papers.  This can take 10 business days.  Contact Tiffanie Nevins with questions about ILL requests. 


ZipSearch searches everything in the University of Akron Law Library Catalog (books, ebooks) PLUS searches within databases of articles.  If you want, after you run the search you can set the filters to pick up even more results from:  OHIOLINK, PLUS searches Worldcat (library catalogs from all over the world). 

Ohiolink - Click on the blue Ohiolink tab below to only search Ohiolink libraries

If you can't find an article in Zipsearch

Zipsearch defaults to searching for articles you can find in U Akron Libraries, either in print or in electronic databases. HOWEVER,  Zipsearch does not search for articles within Lexis, Westlaw, Bloomberg Law or Heinonline. (although it will search for the names of particular journals and will tell you if a particular journal can be found in HeinOnline, Lexis, or other database)

If you can not find an article in the U Akron Libraries, in any database you have access to or the internet, you can do an Interlibrary Loan request for a particular article. Contact a Librarian for help.