After you find a citation to an article using an index, you can find the fulltext of the article using University E-journals or the library catalog. While the University E-journals and library catalog contain most Ohiolink sources too, Ohiolink Journals may contain some sources not listed in University E-Journals or the library catalog.
A new way of searching by drilling down on different subjects. There is even a visual search option.
Don't forget to look for articles in disciplines other than law.
Includes scholarly law journals from around the world, and provides information on current issues, thoughts, and trends in the legal world.
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Use legal periodical indexes to find law review articles, in addition to searching fulltext databases of law review articles on Lexis and Westlaw. You may find more articles on a topic this way. Indexes only search the title, abstract, author, subject and certain other fields, but not the full text of the article. Searching these limited fields identifies entire articles about a certain subject - not just articles that mention your search terms in passing. Also, the indexes are created by people, who categorize items into standard subject headings. If you find one good article, see what subject headings are assigned to the article, and then search for more articles with that subject heading.