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NURS 216 Transition to Baccalaureate Nursing

Nursing Faculty: Sheryl Stuck, Spring Semester 2019


Which statements are true? Mark all that apply.
CINAHL is a nursing and allied health database.: 0 votes (0%)
CINAHL contains citations to journals, books, book chapters, reports, dissertations and other types of publications.: 0 votes (0%)
Sometimes, it might be necessary to search multiple databases at once to find more articles.: 0 votes (0%)
I can email, export, or print citations directly from the CINAHL database.: 1 votes (50%)
All of the above.: 1 votes (50%)
Total Votes: 2
Which statements are true? Mark all that apply.
I am able to access the entire articfle (full text) when I see the PDF icon or HTML full-text link on the record of the article.: 0 votes (0%)
Full-text is defined as the entire text of a single work.: 0 votes (0%)
I will click on the "Full Text Finder" link to help me determine if the publication is available in full-text.: 0 votes (0%)
I can request articles and books not available at the University of Akron Libraries for free using my InterLibrary Loan account.: 0 votes (0%)
All of the above.: 1 votes (100%)
Total Votes: 1
Which statement is true when citing multiple authors using APA style?
For 1-2 authors, cite both names every time.: 0 votes (0%)
For 3-5 authors, cite all authors the first time; use just the first last name with “et al.” in subsequent citations.: 0 votes (0%)
For 6 or more, cite only the first author with “et al.” every time.: 1 votes (33.33%)
All of the above.: 2 votes (66.67%)
Total Votes: 3