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Faculty Support Services

Just Ask!

We strive to support our faculty and students' research needs.  Don't hesitate to ask for help.  See our website for contact information, hours of operation, and links to the many library resources available at The University of Akron.

Suggestions for Purchase

The library accepts purchase recommendations for the library’s collection that support the current Wayne College curriculum.  Forward your suggestions to Maureen ( and please include as much information about the item as possible.

Library News

Visit the Library’s news blog. This is the primary communication tool for the library.  We will post information about upcoming programs and events, service interruptions (database down-times), new resources of interest, and ideas for engaging students in the information literacy and library research process. 

Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram, too!

Part-Time Faculty

Are you a part-time faculty instructor?  You may interested in the UA Faculty Senate Part-Time Faculty Committee.