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- APC (Article Processing Charge) - The cost to make an article open access without an open access publishing deal.
- Affiliation - Are you associated with The University of Akron in some way. For publishing, this is usually determined by having the "" in your email address or librarian reviewing and checking that you are associated with the university.
- Corresponding Author - The person who handles the manuscript and correspondence during the publication process. Important Note: It's the corresponding author's university affiliation that usually determines if an article qualifies for free open access publishing.
- Creative Commons License - A public copyright license that enables free distribution of an otherwise copyrighted "work". The most common creative commons license for University Libraries open access deals is 'CC BY'.
- Gold Open Access (OA) Journal - Articles published in this type of journal will be freely available for to read. Usually includes an APC if not part of a University Libraries publishing deal.
- Hybrid Open Access (OA) Journal - Some articles published in this type of journal will require a subscription to access while other articles published in this journal will be gold open access.
- Read and Publish Deal - Allows users to access subscribed journals and read articles provided by the publisher as well as make it free to publish open access articles in some or all of the publisher's journals
- Transformative Agreement - Another name for 'Read and Publish'.